
Preparing your monologues

Hi everyone!

I just found this wonderful site to help you with your monologues: it's called Splendid Speaking and it "supports advanced learners of English who want to develop their top-level speaking skills and communication strategies."

Each week, they tackle a specific issue on how to talk better English. Take, for example, this lesson about "how to captivate your audience with memorable introductions".

They also offer you the possibility of subscribing here! "For immediate access to transcripts for current and previous Splendid Speaking podcasts, and to be alerted to new materials on the website, sign up now for our weekly newsletter."

You can also access their blog from here.


2 comentarios:

macameninfantil dijo...

Hola Laura, soy Macamen.
No me he enterado de nada de lo que pones en tu blog, pero está muy bonito (es que no se inglés). Como se nota que ya tienes rodaje en este mundillo. Esta bastante completo. Bueno, ya nos veremos el miércoles. Saludos.Macamen


Hola soy Héctor, veo que tienes un blog muy currada, lo sé por los dibujitos por a mi me fatiga leer inglés.
Bueno un saludo y nos vemos el miércoles.
See you later aligator!