NEW LINKS- listen, watch and pronounce!
Why not visit these videos organized into categories?
There's also this wonderful blog that has a collection of different videos which may be useful for you learners out there.
You have to click on the "Free Subscription" button on this site, but it might be worth it to listen to "Real English".
Lovely website with phonetic games! Don't miss it.
This phonemic chart might take some time to load, but it's very interesting.
And what about these group conversations around images, documents and videos?
Grammar links
- Make subjects and verbs agree here.
- Revise Phrasal verbs.
- Have a look at Prepositions.
- Grammar explanations, examples, exercises (all levels).
- Online grammar and punctuation guides.
Writing links for advanced students
Very basic pieces of advice here and here. And a more academic link if you click here.
- English spelling rules here and here.
- Spelling game.
-Writing e-mails.
-Paragraph writing tips.
-Complete writing course online.
-How to improve your writing in 5 minutes.
-Interactive exercises.
- At last! Punctuation rules and exercises explained here and here. And why not try this other link? Finally, you also have some activities here.
Listening links
Listening quizzes for all levels.
News in English in many different channels. Listen to live programmes or recorded ones.
Storytellers perform their stories for you! Both children and adults are welcome.
Very famous people being interviewed. Take your pick. There are actors, composers, singers, politicians, scientists, sports personalities… I wouldn’t believe you if you said you’re not interested in any of them!
Watch TV on the net. Hundreds of videos to play and listen to.
This is a radio devised specially for students of English, which offers a variety of programmes running all day. They deal with specific aspects of the four skills + grammar and vocabulary. Very, very interesting.
Listen to and watch video, music, pictures and more. Specially designed for students of English too.
Drama, prose, poetry, children’s stories… Many of them are read aloud in English! Very entertaining. Their free audio clips provide an excellent resource for students and literature lovers of all ages.
It has audio, video and animated tiny lessons for those tricky, idiomatic parts of the English language.
News Radio for English learners